Plan Less. Travel More.
Intripid eliminates friction in leisure travel.
Become one of the first to save hours planning your next adventure!
Machine learning in the hands of expert travel advisors
FastIntripid analyzes thousands of data points in seconds to find you the perfect destination for your next trip.

This speed saves you money.
HumanAll recommendations are reviewed and approved by real people.

Expert travel advisors supervise the entire process.
PersonalizedIntripid does not pre-package trips.

Every trip is built to your unique needs and desires.
How Intripid works
The Intripid ProcessIntripid blends high-tech tools and human travel advisors to provide fast, personalized, high-quality travel planning assistance.

In 2 steps, you'll be looking forward to your next adventure.
Step 1
Answer a few questions about when you're available to travel, your budget, etc. and get a highly-customized destination emailed to you in as little as 5-minutes.

Behind the curtain, a Travel Advisor uses your answers and Intripid's augmented intelligence search engine to analyze thousands of places you could go and recommend the perfect destination you should go.
In as little as 5-minutes, you'll receive an email with the recommended destination, an explanation of why it'sperfect for your trip, photos to help you, imagine yourself there, some of the top attractions to explore, etc.
Intripid is so confident in our technology and advisors that you get unlimited recommendations - if you don't love your destination, simply request another.
Step 2
You know where & when you're traveling, now lock in the details.

This is the fun part, where you nail down transportation, lodging, and things to do.
If you want help, Intripid can match you with a Travel Advisor who is an expert in exactly where you're headed — they can assist with booking flights, finding awesome accommodations, arranging local excursions, etc.
A Travel Advisor can often secure special deals and perks, so definitely consider hiring one!
    Planning and Booking Assistance
Flight price monitoring to save you money
Local knowledge to make your trip unique
Special deals with boutique hotels
How Intripid Compares
Faster, Better, More Affordable
dots svg
Speed of Results
Amount of Research
Degree of Personalization
Matched with Destination Expert
Travel Agent
Very Slow
Very High
Travel Agent
Very Low
Very Low
Very Fast
Very Low
Very High
Very High
Travel Agent
Paying an old-school travel agent to design your trip costs hundreds of dollars, and they'll only research a small number of potential destinations.
Travel Agent
Pre-packaged trips cost less, but they're neither unique nor are they designed with your needs & dreams in-mind.
Intripid's combination of tech + expert humans enables fast, personalized results that are delivered quickly and at low cost.
Rosie Miller,Tourist
Highly recommend 👏 Very Friendly, Reliable & Informative. Intripid will provide you every single detail you need on your travel!
A more compassionate world through increased travelTravel fosters compassion by exposing individuals to diverse cultures and lifestyles, encouraging empathy and understanding towards people from different backgrounds.

Intripid's mission is to encourage more people to travel by making it easier and more fun to imagine, build, and go on amazing trips.
An online platform that encourages travel by removing stress from personal, leisure travel planning.
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